
In response to the instruction of Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr to observe basic cleanliness of the market, Ms.T. Arlene Nufuar of the GSO put up more effort into orderliness and cleanliness keeping it more presentable to both business owners and market-goers....

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Engineer at Work

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr giving specific instructions to the engineers of the DPWH 1st Engineering District and IBC Builders, the contractor of the P48million shoreline protection project in Barangay Baybay Norte earlier today. Mayor Garin, an engineer by...

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Saturday is still a work day for Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr as he did rounds at the Miagao Public Market. It will then be a busy days ahead for the Market and General Services Personnel as he made specific instructions for Ms. T. Arlene Nufuar to generally...

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Some 11 dengue hotspot barangays will be recipients of cash for work program against dengue. Photos show the orientation to the beneficiaries about the program.

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Anything and everything must be organized while making the ambiance friendly and comfortable for the Miagaowanons was the clear instruction of Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr to General Services Officer Ms. T. Arlene Nufuar as he orders face lift of the Municipal...

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LOOK. Congresswoman Janette L. Garin, MD, through Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, is extending medical assistance to Miagaowanons who will be admitted to West Visayas State University Medical Center. Today, Ms. Charito Famin of Barangay Olango enjoyed such assistance...

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