FUNCTIONAL STATEMENT Regulates the establishment, operation and maintenance of the slaughterhouse.B. OBJECTIVES1. To provide the public a safe and permanent place for the slaughter, sale and...
Municipal Accountant’s Office
A. FUNCTIONAL STATEMENTInstalls and maintains internal audit system in the local government unit concerned; prepares and submits financial statement to the mayor and to the sangguniang bayan; appraises the sanggunian and other...
Municipal Budget Office
Vision/Mission The Municipal Budget Office played a vital role so that the overall mission and vision of the LGU would be realized. The office itself brimmed with optimism as it set its own vision of a model, honest and corrupt-free LGU that institutionalized...
Municipal Planning & Development Coordinator’s Office
A. FUNCTIONAL STATEMENTFormulates interrelated economic, social physical, and other development plans and policies for consideration of the local government development council; conducts continuing studies, researches, and...
Office of the Administrator
A. FUNCTIONAL STATEMENTDevelops plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the mayor, implements the same particularly those which have to do with the management and administration related programs and projects which the Mayor is...
Office of the Mayor
A. FUNCTIONAL STATEMENT Exercises control and supervision over all local administrative affairs in the municipality; subject to the provision of the civil service law, rules and regulations, appoints all officers and employees of the municipal...