The Municipality of Miagao is enjoying the services of a Peace Corp Volunteer who concentrates her effort on Coastal Resource management and will stay in town for 2 years.

            Ms. Jessica Gulbranson is a 24 year-old beauty from Minnesota, USA.  She is a Marine Biologist.  She is assigned at the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist under the watch of Mr. Raymundo Monroy.

            According to Mr. Monroy, Ms. Gulbranson will work on projects reltive to the town’s Coastal Resource Management particularly in the establishment of the fish sanctuaries, corral garden, mangrove reforestation, seagrass rehabilitation, artificial reefs and others and to see to it that there will be increase in fish stock and improvement in fish catch in the municipal waters. 

            Ms. Gulbranson will as well assist in the environmental projects to include the production of organic fertilizer from fish waste, production of green charcoal and eco handicraft from plastic wastes.

On top of it, she is also an excellent football player and renders her technical skills to the high school football team of the municipality.


Education Summit gathers school personages

            True to his commitment to address poverty through education, the Sangguniang Bayan Committee on Education chaired by Hon. Patricio Fio spearheaded the conduct of the Education Summit at the Justice Ramon B. Britanico Hall on —

            The one-day activity, in tandem with the Synergia Foundation, aimed at determining the factors that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of education and suggested solutions and interventions that will possibly put to end the identified problems.  Among the problems identified are the poor economic condition of the family, vices, lack of school facilities, attitudes and the distance of the school to the community.  Solutions include the construction and production of schools buildings and facilities, enhancement seminars teachers —

            Mr. Edwin Nacionales of the Synergia Foundation said that the Foundation will help the LGU scout for funding sponsors. 

            For his part, Mayor Macario N. Napulan expressed his earnest gratitude to Mr. Nacionales for working on Miagao to be part of the Synergia Program.

Poblacion Wide Clean-Up Drive Spearheaded by the LGU-Officials and Employees


LGU launches intensive campaign against dengue

            With the alarming increase in the number of dengue cases in the Municipality of Miagao, the local government, through a resolution filed by the Sangguniang Bayan, placed the entire municipality under the State of Calamity on September 9, 2013.

            The declaration allowed the use of the Quick Response Fund for dengue related programs and activities.   Dengue suspected patients will enjoy free full medical and laboratory expenses – to include CBC, platelet and NS1 examinations with free medicines (IV fluids and paracetamol).  Once confirmed with dengue, the patient will be immediately referred to hospitals for confinement.

            As this developed, the Municipal Health Office continues the conduct of intensive pulong-pulong (health education campaign) with priorities given to the top 10 barangays positive with dengue. During the pulong-pulong, the barangay folks are given and taught the administration of the   kiti-kiti X – a formula that could kill mosquito larva.  They are also encouraged to continuously implement the Operation Kaya-Kulob in their community and religiously follow the 4S Kontra Dengue Campaign.

            At the First Aid Clinic, the education campaign is also active.  Health information on dengue is given to patients while waiting for their turn to be consulted by the doctors.

            As of September 9, 2013, the MHO has recorded 186 cases of dengue, with 2 deaths, in the Municipality.  The figure placed the Municipality in the number 10th spot with the highest number of dengue victims in the entire Iloilo Province.  With the intensified campaign against the dreaded disease, Mayor Macario N. Napulan hopes for the situation to be normalized as quickly as possible.

The Alay Lakad 2013

Alay Lakad unites Miagaowanons
                The Alay Lakad 2013 activity of the local government, in tandem with the Rotary Club of Miagao drew overwhelming support from various sectors of the society.
                The activity, held last September 1, 2013 and spearheaded by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, was designed to generate income for use in various programs and activities of the LGU.   The activity this year generated the amount of P20,419.25 which will finance the Alternative Learning System program of the LGU.
                It was attended by 2,015 participants from various schools, non-governmental organizations and the local government who paraded around the poblacion and donated P10.00 registration fee.