COMPETITIVE LGU. Miagao LGU was awarded as one of the performers in the 2018 Recognition of Most Competitive LGUs in Western Visayas.

The Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index is an annual measure and ranking of LGUs and all Cities institutionalized by the National Competitive Council to help develop investments and ease of doing business in the government.

The NCC capture data from different municipalities and cities covering four areas of governance; 1. Government Efficiency 2. Economic Dynamism 3. Infrastructure and 4. Resiliency

This data aids the national government in collaboration with different national agencies like NEDA and DTI and the Bureau of Investments in economic development and Investment promotions.

In his statement, Mayor Macario N. Napulan said that this award will encourage the Miagao LGU people to strive for more in terms of providing ease of doing business and hence encourage private partners to invest in our town.

In closing, Mayor Napulan encourages Miagao public employees to revisit the Anti Red Tape Act and craft innovations on how to provide faster and efficient service to its constituents and Investors especially the MSMEs. – (DINDO NEMIADA)

6,160 senior citizens avail social pensions

The local government, in coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development released a total of P9.240 million to some 6,160 qualified senior citizens as Social Pension.

The amount was allocated by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) relative to the implementation of the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens (SPISC) program of the department.  Under the program, each indigent senior citizens were allocated P500.00 monthly as subsidy and is released quarterly at P1,500.00.

The Social Pension is designed in order that the poorest senior citizens are covered and protected from loss of income and unemployment as a result of illness, injury, disability and harvest failure among others.

Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer Mrs. Rosalinda Mueda explained that those senior citizens who are receiving pensions from the GSIS, SSS and PVAO among others and those working with fixed salaries could not avail of the program.

“The program has been successful and in one way or the other have helped in the daily food subsistence, medical and other physiological needs of the indigent social pension beneficiaries,” Mrs. Mueda said.  ABM/RJN

195 MACS scholars get full educational grant

A total of 195 grantees from 1st-4th year students are recipients of the Municipal Assistance to College Students ( MACS) Program Board of the Local Government of Miagao. The program is now on its 5th year of educational grant to poor but deserving bonafide youth residence of the Municipality.

Mrs. Analiza Genille , MACS board secretariat said that  of the 195  grantees, 128 of them are continuing grantees and 67 are new grantees.

The grantees were enrolled from various courses at Iloilo Science and Technology University ( ISAT-U)- Miagao Campus.

Aside from the aim to produce at least one college graduate to every Miagaowanon family, the program is also designed to bring out responsibility and commitment of younger people to the community. Once chosen as grantee, they will have to comply with various requisites stipulated in their pledge. They must be involved in various government initiatives and programs and be active in their respective community.

The MACS was continuously implemented in 2013 under the administration of Macario N. Napulan, M.D, municipal mayor, after the enactment of an Ordinance No. 2013-40 establishing a scholarship fund for the MACS Program and prescribing qualifications and selection guidelines for scholars thereof.

Presently, the program has an allocation of P4 Million. Aside from the payment of tuition fees and other miscellaneous expenses, the grantees are also given monthly stipend in the amount of P600.00-P800.00 depending upon the distance of the grantee’s residents to the school.   ABM

No Segregation, No Pick Up

In order to ensure cleanliness and proper sanitation, the General Services Office of the local government is strictly implementing the “No Segregation, No Pick Up” Policy in the collection of garbage in the municipality.

“This is to strictly implement the waste segregation at source like segregation of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous waste,” explained Ms. T. Arlene Nufuar of the General Services Office.

The Policy according to her is in line with the institutionalization of the Miagao Action for Cleanliness (MAC) program which aims to sustain the implementation of activities for the health and well-being of every Miagaowanon.

Ms. Nufuar said that she has assigned eco-aides in barangays Ubos Ilawod, Ubos Ilaya, Tacas, Sapa, Bolho, Baybay Sur, Baybay Norte, and Brgy. Bagumbayan.

According to Ms. Nufuar, those that can be easily decomposed by natural agents and those materials which cannot be broken down or decomposed into the soil by natural agents should be separated at home. Only those that will be picked up are plastic materials, metal scraps, aluminum cans and bottles, and hazardous chemicals.  These wastes will then be turned over to the MENRO Office for recycling. ABM/RJN


MIAGAO BALANGAW. Photo shows the officers and members of the Miagao Balangaw, a newly organized Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) group of Miagao, during their first organizational meeting and election of officers on October 5, 2018.

The organization, spearheaded by the offices of the Tourism Officer, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer, and Municipal Health Officer, will enjoin the members in planning for programs and activities that will identify their needs and enhance their aptitudes.

In his message, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD was overwhelmed with the long waited organization as he has long been in desire to enhance and empower the LGBT group of the municipality. He also assured the group of his full support and assistance in all of its forthcoming programs and activities.

“We will help you with your activities and we will assist you in seeking support from other government agencies,” assured Mayor Napulan. (ABM)

President – Joe-R Mollenido
Vice President – Rene Conception
Secretary – Franco Falsario
Treasurer – Joebert Nares
Board of Directors:
Jose Molanida
Denmark Jude Pailano
Bryan Factorin
Hervin Muyong
Denmark Tumugdan