MNC to launch Programs in August

MIAGAO, Ilolio – In time for the Nutrition Month in August and to address severe acute malnutrition cases in the Miagao, the Municipal Nutrition Council (MNC) will launch numerous nutrition intervention and improvement programs in schools and the barangays.

During their regular meeting, members of the MNC chaired by Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD and headed by Municipal Nutrition Action Officer Dr. Rhea Palacios had identified various campaign programs with the aim to reduce the number of severely wasted children in the Municipality.

Among these programs include continues feeding program to various age groups, Gulayan sa Paaralan and Barangay Communal Garden.

Under the feeding program, children ages zero to 59 months old will be taken cared of under the Municipal Nutrition Program of the local government.  Those children ages two to four years old will be supervised by the MSWDO under its Day Care Program, while children ages five to 12 years old will be worked out by the Department of Education, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) and Municipal Health Office.

For the Gulayan sa Paaralan and Barangay Communal Garden, the initiative will be launched as a competition where the best garden will receive incentives in the form of barangay and school projects.


In order to address problem in SAM, the MHO is doing all efforts uplift their status. Report from the MHO shows that, some 12 SAM patients were admitted in the Out Patient Therapeutic Care Unit.  Afterthese 12 patients underwent series of treatment regimen that include weekly food ration depending on their weight and progress monitoring and evaluation, the number of patients was reduced to two.

Further, Dr. Palacios said that the families of the patients were also encouraged to start their own backyard garden and the families were included in some of the sustainable livelihood projects of the MSWDO.  (ABMande)

Eco-aides tap on programs for the Environment

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In his determination to address concerns on Environment, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD called on all local government commissioned eco-aides to take part in his programs on Environment.

In his message, Mayor Napulan encouraged them to collect low density plastics (LDP) to augment to their daily income. This initiative is part of the Program Basura Mo, Pagkaon Mo. Moreover, they were tapped in the campaign on Clean-up Drive Kontra Dengue and Tree Growing during Saturdays.

“Some five kilograms of LDP will be converted into one kilogram of rice and two cans of noodles which will be given to you in exchange of your collection.  On top of addressing the concerns on environment, these Programs will also serve as livelihood initiatives to all of you,” said Mayor Napulan in a meeting called by the GSO.

During the meeting, GSO Head Ms. T. Arlene Nufuar gave orientation and updates on the policies and guidelines and the new schedule of garbage collection to members of the eco aides of the barangays in the poblacion area of the Municipality. (New schedule of collection is herewith attached)

These eco-aides are being paid for their services rendered during garbage collection and other services directed by the GSO and the Mayor. (ABMande)

Miagao is recipient of UPV technical assistance

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Municipality of Miagao will be recipient of the technical assistance on Solid Waste Management from the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV).

This after UPV School of Technology Dean Dr. Ramer Bautista and Professor Dennis Ong paid courtesy to Mayor Macario N. Napulan MD, through OIC Municipal Administrator John Nocal,and signified their interest of helping the Municipality on Solid Waste Management.

OIC MENRO Isidro Mosura, Jr. said that they (Dr. Bautista and Professor Ong) will assist the local government in the establishment of the Sanitary Land Fill and biogas technology.

“Their visit is actually a jumpstart of this very much welcome initiative. We need their expertise. I am glad that they came to help our Office,” said Mr. Mosura.

MENRO is the office-in-charge of implementing RA 9003 otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. (ABMande)


Beautification project starts anew

MIAGAO, Iloilo – With the onset of the rainy season, the local government unit of Miagao kicks off its cleanliness and beautification project.

General Services Office head Ms. T. Arlene Nufuar said that they have started the replanting of ornamental and flowering plants and cleaning of the town’s main thoroughfares as part of the preparation for the forthcoming annual patronal fiesta come September 22nd.

“On top of it, it is also part of the cleaning and greening effort of the Office.  Our main objective is to beautify and re-bloom the town with flowering plants in particular in front of the municipal building,” said Ms. Nufuar.

To date, the GSO staff is working on the landscaping of the municipal fountain and front of the building grounds. (ABMande)

Miagao observes Arbor Day

Miagao observes Arbor Day

Conducts tree growing activity

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Municipality of Miagao joins in the observance of the Arbor Day in the Philippines through the conduct of Tree Growing Activity in barangay Tigmalapad, this Municipality on June 26, 2019.

In lieu of the usual observance on June 25th, the LGU opted to hold it on June 26th with the participation of the 119 barangays and officials and employees of the Local Government Unit.

Mayor Macario Napulan, who himself leads in the Tree Growing Activity, said that the initiative calls to heighten the environmental consciousness of the Miagaowanons and “implores us to go outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and importance and to take forward to the call to protect mother earth”.

In line with this, the Office of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer prepared 12,000 seedlings for this purpose.  Among these seedlings are atis, mabolo, langka, iba, narra, tapiyay, indian tree, bayog, teak wood and pine tree.

Also, on June 25th, the LGU officials and employees also lead the Clean-Up Drive Kontra Dengue in the main thoroughfares of the poblacion. (ABMande)

Farmers train on tilapia culture

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In order to ensure maximum production, increase farmer’s income and promote food sufficiency in town, the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist initiated the Tilapia Culture Training to Miagao farmers at the DA Training Center here on June 26, 2019.

The one-day training was based on the request of the farmers themselves as they feel the need to undergo orientation and training on methods of growing tilapia.  It was attended by farmers from the upland barangays with good water source and backyard fish pond.

Mr. Victor Bedia and Mr. Pedro Blazer from the Iloilo Provincial Agriculture Office were among the resource speakers who talked about the procedure to culture tilapia to include site inspection, preparation of ponds, stocking and acclimatization, water management, feeds and feeding, records keeping, harvesting and marketing.

In an interview with Mr. Bedia he that Tilapia Culture Training is requisite to the release of the fingerlings. It was first conducted in Miagao.

“I am impressed by the high spirit of the Miagawanons to have this Training conducted in Miagao first. We have no target yet as to the distribution of the fingerlings but rest assured that you will be prioritized because of this Training,” Mr. Bedia concluded. (ABMande)