Miagao gets thumb up on environmental programs

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Municipality of Miagao gets a “very good” comment and thumbs up for implementing environmental programs with numerous purpose and impact in the community.

“Good job! Your program to plant fruit bearing trees is also in line with our Office’ trust to bring back tree parks,” said Ms. Aida D. Villanueva from the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office.

Ms. Villanueva came to Miagao as part of the Provincial Nutrition Committee Technical Working Group for the 3rd Monitoring and Evaluation of Local Level Plan Implementation (MELLPI) on Wednesday.

Ms. Villanueva’s statement came after Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD acquainted them with the LGU’s plans, programs and projects on nutrition and the environment.  Among others, Mayor Napulan shared that on July 13th, the LGU officially launched its Miagao Action on Cleanliness (MAC) Program.  Under the program, every Miagaowanons are enjoined to participate in the clean-up drive kontra dengue, collection of low density plastics (LDP) and tree planting and growing of endemic fruit bearing trees.

“On top of making Miagao a climate change resilient town, I want to ensure sustainability in our programs on Nutrition.  That is why we launched programs of these like,” explained Mayor Napulan.

For the collection of LDPs, residents who may be able to collect 5kg of LDP can exchange it to 1 kilogram of rice, two can of sardines and one bar of soap.  Planting and growing of fruit bearing trees, on the other hand, is part of the sustainable program on nutrition.


                Municipal Nutrition Action Officer Dr. Rhea Palmos explained that the group of Ms. Villanueva will evaluate the LGUs nutrition programs, nutritional status of zero to 59 months old, day care and elementary grades and nutrition initiatives.  They will also look into the nutrition contribution of the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, Department of Education, Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office and Municipal Health Office.

Miagao was picked as among the three municipalities with in-placed and notable performance on Nutrition along with the Municipalities of Sta. Barbara and Concepcion. From among the three Municipalities, the PNC TWG will evaluate the Municipality that will represent the Province of Iloilo in the Regional Green Banner Award. (ABMande)

Miagao cites Best Performing PESO in Iloilo

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Another cap in the feather for the Municipality of Miagao after being cited one of the Best Performing Public Employment Services Office (PESO) in the Province of Iloilo during the Regional PESO Congress at Eurotel Boracay in Malay, Aklan on July 17, 2019.

“I am overwhelmed by this achievement. It has been in my agenda to provide employment opportunities to Miagaowanons.  This award was made possible because of the overpowering response of our linkage with government and non-government entities on our employment efforts,” said Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD in a statement.

In an interview with PESO Manager and OIC Municipal Administrator John Nocal, he explained that the award was given in due recognition to the performance of all PES Office.  In Miagao, he said that the Employment Rate of the Municipality dramatically increased from 92% to 94.4 % in 2018.

“This is due to the employment facilitation program of the Office and the on time and updated submission of reports and documents,” said Mr. Nocal.

According to Mr. Nocal, the Office has conducted numerous job fairs and Special Recruitment Activities (SRA).  On April 12, 2018, a total of 1,984 job seekers submitted their application during the job fair at the JRBB Hall. The activity was commissioned by 38 local companies and 10 overseas companies. Of the 1,984 job seekers, 1,054 were qualified applicants and 68 applicants were hired on the spot.

Adding to this, the Miagao PESO also facilitated SRA by Hopewell Agency, Mother’s Way Agency and Online Hiring Corporation.  (ABMande)



SPES pay-out on-going 73 Miagaowanon students get compensation

SPES pay-out on-going

73 Miagaowanon students get compensation

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Some 73 Miagaowanon students received their compensation for their services rendered under the Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) Summer Job 2019 of the Department of Labor and Employment RO 6 and the Local Government Unit of Miagao.

The SPES Summer Job 2019 was implemented in accordance with Republic Act 9547 (An Act Strengthening and Expanding the Coverage of the Special Program for Employment of Students). In Miagao, the Program employed a total of 73 students.

During the screening, PESO Manager and OIC Municipal Administrator John F. Nocal said that priorities were given to the scholars under the Miagao Assistance to College Students (MACS) Program of the LGU.

Of the 73 students, 55 of them were compensated by the DOLE and 18 were funded by the LGU. As such, the DOLE has allocated a total amount of P206, 095.80 as salaries and wages while the LGU has allotted the amount of P150,000.00 for the purpose.  Each of these 73 students received the amount of P3,783.56 monthly remuneration.

According to OIC Municipal Administrator John F. Nocal, the main objective of the SPES is to develop the intellectual capacities of the children of poor families and harness their potentials for the country’s well-being.  For the period of one month, these students were deployed to conduct skills mapping in the barangays.

“We hope for these students to finish their studies as well as develop their productive work ethics and explore opportunities for their future career,” said Mr. Nocal.

“It has been my Agenda to uplift the economic status of our constituents.  Programs like these are among the priorities of my administration.  I always want to give opportunity to poor but deserving students pursue their education by providing income or augment their income through this Program,” Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD said in a statement.  (ABMande)






Maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation at the Miagao Public Market

LOOK. In his aim for the Miagao Public Market to become a model market, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD is doing all efforts to achieve this goal. On Monday, he called on the cooperation of the market vendors in particular in the maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation in the area. According to General Service Office head Ms. Arlene Nufuar, the market vendors agreed to cooperate with the LGU on this matter. Guidelines were set to include maintenance of the cleanliness of tables and styro box and observance of the proper disposal of garbage. Violation of the guidelines will cause the Local Government Unit Licensing Unit to cancel business permits if warrant.

Saturday is MAC Day in Miagao

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD is not taking chances by doing all efforts to abate dengue in town.

In his Memorandum Order No. 2019-056, Mayor Napulan ordered the strict and immediate implementation of the Miagao Action on Cleanliness (MAC) Program every Saturday effective July 13th.

In view of this, all households are enjoined to actively participate in the Clean-up Drive Kontra Dengue, tree-planting/growing of endemic fruit trees and collection of low density plastics.

In his order, he has assigned the Office of the Municipal Health Officer to lead the clean-up drive.  The Offices of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer and Municipal Agriculturist are in-charge of the tree-growing of endemic fruit trees.  The General Services Office, Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office and MENRO are in-charge of the collection of LDP and implementation of the Basura Mo, Pagkaon Ko Project. (ABMande)


Miagao avails 52.4M KALAHI CIDSS projects

MIAGAO, Iloilo – A total of P52.4-million worth of community based infrastructure and support projects were implemented in the barangays of the Municipality of Miagao by the KALAHI-CIDSS- NCDDP under the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

The figure was revealed during the Municipal Accountability Reporting and Sustainable Planning Workshop at the JRBB Hall, Thursday, July 11th.  The amount was spent in community driven development projects in particular in achieving service delivery, poverty reduction, and good governance.

These projects include Steel Bridge in Barangay Onop, foot walks in Barangays Saring and Igbita, health center in Barangay Tigmalapad, one building three classroom in Barangay San Jose and seawall in Barangays Guibongan and Baybay Norte. According to the report, these projects were either completed or on-going with funds allocated in 2015.

KALAHI-CIDSS is one of the core poverty alleviation programs of the government that is being implemented by the DSWD.  It uses the community-driven development approach, which enables communities in targeted poor and disaster-affected municipalities to identify their own needs, and collectively implement and manage solutions for them. (ABMande)