Tanods train, equip to become frontline defenders 

GUIMBAL, Iloilo – the members of the barangay tanods from the different barangays of the Municipality of Miagao convene for a two-day Skills Enhancement Training for Barangay Tanods, BPATS and Barangay Officials at Racsos Woodland Resort in Guimbal town.

“I am always willing to support you in this endeavor. I am also counting on you as front liners in the maintenance of peace and order and security in your barangays,” said Mayor Macario Napulan, MD in his speech during the Training.

The two-day Training on August 22 and 23, 2019 was attended by the barangay tanods of barangays Lanutan, Maninila, Oyungan, Paro-on, Banbanan, Palaca, Saring, Bolho, Maduyo, Banuyao, Cubay Ubos, Sapa and Ticdalan. It was spearheaded by the Liga ng mga Barangay, Department of Interior and Local Government and Municipal Local Government Unit of Miagao.  Among the topics discussed during the training are: Barangay Tanod Organization and Functionality; Duties, Responsibilities and Conduct of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams; Basic Intelligence Investigation, Traffic Directions and Crowd Control, Disarming Technique, Arresting Technique, Community Assistance and Response, Basic Self Defense and First Aid and Basic Life Support.

“At the end of the Training, I am more confident that the Tanods will be capacitated and equipped with skills and knowledge necessary in the performance of their duties,” said Mayor Napulan. (ABMande)



Regional MELLPI evaluation up Miagao hopes to hit ‘pass’ mark

MIAGAO, Iloilo –Regional Nutrition Evaluation Team is up and about to look into the compliance and accomplishment of the Municipality on nutrition programs and services.

Dr. Rhea P. Palacios, Municipal Nutrition Action Officer said that with the use of the evaluation tool dubbed Monitoring and Evaluation of Local Level Plan Implementation (MELLPI), Miagao will be evaluated on not just the input and output in implementing nutrition programs but the results or its nutrition outcomes and nutrition security in the area.

“The MLGU nutrition program will be scored based on how we promote awareness and observance to existing laws, rules and guidelines. “They will also look into the nutrition contribution of the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, Department of Education, Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office and Municipal Health Office,” explained Dr. Palacios.

Base on the score sheet, the criteria of the evaluation include: program planning and implementation, home, school, and community food production, micronutrient supplementation, setting of targets and outreach for interventions, nutrition education, nutrition in essential maternal and child health services, livelihood assistance, program management, enabling mechanism, funding support for nutrition program, program effectiveness.

Further, the following elements will be considered: Vision and Mission, Nutrition Policies and Laws, Governance and Organizational Structure, Local Nutrition Committee Management Functions, and Nutrition Intervention and Services.

During their courtesy visit to Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD, the evaluators were initially oriented of the MLGUs plans and programs on nutrition to include continues feeding program to various age groups, Gulayan sa Paaralan and Barangay Communal Garden, Miagao Action on Cleanliness (MAC Program) among others. (ABMande)

AUFA is National Bayani Ka! Awardee

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Alimodias Upland Farmers Association (AUFA) was presented the National Bayani Ka! Awards during the 3rd National Community Volunteers Congress and 5th National Bayani Ka! Awards in Almont Inland Resort, Butuan City on August 13, 2019.

The Bayani Ka! Awards are the highest recognition given by the DSWD under its Kalahi – CIDSS (Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services) program to exemplary communities and partners in implementing and promoting the community-driven development approach.

The Award has eight categories namely: gender and development, improved local governance, elderly youth, environmental protection, sustained community volunteer group, Indigenous People’s Welfare and persons with disability.

AUFA emerged victorious among nominees under Environmental Protection Category.  The Award was received by Punong Barangay and AUFA president Ramonito Sabug.

Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer Isidro Mosura who nominated the Association said that AUFA best served in the Integrated Social Forestry (ISF), National Greening Program (NGP), and Forest and Climate Protection Project (ForClim II) sectors.

“AUFU has been actively engaged in DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS programs especially on environmental protection having planted more or less 10,000 seedlings and provided livelihood programs to their members.  These efforts were appreciated by DSWD as these significantly contributed to advancing their respective communities,” said Mr. Mosura.

AUFA was evaluated based on the following criteria: Bisyon – the community is committed to the community’s shared vision and guides fellow residents in bridging the present to their desired future;  Aksyon – the nominee decisively and consistently acts to promote compassionate, collective action in the community and achieve their shared goal; Yakag– the nominee has successfully persuaded the community to actively participate in compassionate collective action in and beyond DSWD Kalahi- CIDSS; Abilidad – the nominee maximizes opportunities to exercise the resident’s skills and service for the benefit of the community; Nakikiisa– the nominee actively works to sustain and promote compassionate and collective action in the community; Integridad at Inspirasyon – the nominee has unquestionable integrity that manifest in word and deed, which motivate people to continuously participate in collective action.  (ABMande)

Cultural mapping on the way

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In order to properly record the heritage resources of the Municipality, the Tourism Unit is set to conduct Local Cultural Mapping in the locality.

“We are working on the identification and documentation of all cultural resources and local assets,” Tourism Officer Anthony Selorio told Punong Barangays and Barangay Chairperson of the Committee on Tourism.

According to Mr. Selorio, the briefing is the jumpstart of the activity which will officially kick off after a seminar workshop with the facilitators and personnel from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) on August 18 to 24, 2019

The cultural mapping will undergo phases to include Scoping and Negotiation, Social Preparation, Training of Local Team, Data Gathering, Data Validation/Reporting of Draft Profile, Finalized Profile, Analysis of Mapping Results and Planning.

“Through this proposed activity, we may be able to develop or establish initiatives for the conservation of local and cultural heritage as well we can develop guidelines for its safeguarding,” said Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD.  (ABMande)

“No Plastic Day” every Wednesday in Miagao

“No Plastic Day” every Wednesday in Miagao is a baby step to the full implementation of Ordinance 2012-01 or “An Ordinance Regulating the Use and Sale of Plastic Bags/Plastic Cellophane as Packing or Bagging Materials”.

In line with this, Section 4 of the Ordinance provides that “all supermarkets, groceries and retail stores in the municipality are hereby required to use packing/ bagging materials such as paper cloth bags, buri bags or bayong, non-plastic sack or bags an sturdy reusable shopping bags, biodegradable plastics or other biodegradable containers instead of plastic bags.  Bulky goods shall be packed in paper bags/boxes or cartons or other biodegradable bagging materials.

As penalties, Section 15 of the Ordinance provides for the penalties of the provisions to include: First Offense – P100.00 fine or community service of four (4) hours; Second Offense – P300.00 of five (5) days imprisonment, upon the discretion of the court; and Third Offense – P1,000 fine or seven (7) days imprisonment and revocation of business permit or license, upon the discretion of the court.

Igbugo BHS produces Best Communal Vegetable Garden

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Igbugo Barangay Health Station (BHS) was awarded Best in BHS Communal Vegetable Garden during the Nutrition Month Culminating Activity of the Municipal Local Government Unit of Miagao at the JRBB Hall on August 1, 2019.

The awarding ceremony was part of the Culmination Program of 45th National Nutrition Month Celebration of the Municipality bannering the theme “Kumain Nang Wasto at Maging Aktibo…Push Natin ‘To!” 

The entries to the contest were adjudged according to the following: visual appearance, impact and innovation; plant variety, health and nutrition promotion; maintenance and sustainability; and community involvement.     

Barangay Igbugo bested fifteen other BHS and went home with P3,000.00 cash prize.  Other winners are Naclub BNS, Naulid BNS, Indag-an BNS and Municipal Health Center-B.

Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD in his speech said that the contest was initiated to promote awareness of the health and nutrition benefits of having a communal vegetable garden at the respective barangays.

This Program is also in line with the Miagao Action on Climate Change (MACC) Program of Mayor Napulan which among others encourages tree planting and growing and putting up of communal garden in the barangay.  (ABMande)