The Municipality of Miagao has been reaping the fruits of its labor through various awards and recognitions confer to her by various stakeholders and organizations. 

 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE. On September 17 and 18, 2019, the Municipality of Miagao through the Miagao Organic Black Rice Producers Association (MOBRA) headed by Mrs. Fe Rem Niñofranco was awarded Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Agriculture for their strong belief in the upliftment of the agriculture sector through the production and promotion of organic agriculture in Western Visayas .  The plaque of recognition and cash incentive award of P100, 000.00 was received by Hon. Macario N. Napulan, MD and Mrs. Niñofranco during the 7th WV Regional Organic Agriculture Congress on September 17, 2019.


          BEST FISHERIES EXTENSION OFFICER. On time for the celebration of the 2019 Fish Conservation Week on September 18, 2019, Agricultural Technologist Mrs. Eden Nequia was cited as the Best Fisheries Extension Officer in the Province of Iloilo. This is in recognition of her efforts and contribution in the protection, conservation, and management of fisheries and aquatic resources.

          NOMINEE TO THE 2019 SEAL OF GOOD EDUCATION GOVERNANCE.  On September 19, 2019, USAID, Smart and Synergeia Foundation cited the Municipality of Miagao as Nominee to the 2019 Seal of Good Education Governance during the awarding ceremony at the Philippine International Convention Center. The Award, received by Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD, was in recognition of the leadership of the Municipal Local Government of Miagao in Education Governance that “provided children with equal access to quality education”.   (Information Office)

Task Force conducts inventory of illegal structures

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The members of the Municipal Anti- Illegal Structures and Constructions Committee (MAISCC) and Municipal Task Force on Road Clearing are out and about to implement the Orders and execute the powers bested them to clear from any obstruction and illegal construction all the major roads of the municipality.

On September 13, 2019, they have conducted the inventory and surveyed all roads and areas to be cleared.

Mrs. Ruby Paranga during the briefing to the members of the task force said that to be removed and considered road obstructions are:

  • illegally parked vehicles
  • illegal vendors
  • street dwellers
  • public and barangay structures and outposts
  • store encroachments
  • shanties and house encroachments
  • garbage dumps
  • rice grain drying stations, among others.

Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD told the members to first identify the objects of obstruction and subsequently notify all owners of their violations citing the DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-121. Demolition will come after the failure of the owner to comply with the Notice.

Earlier on, Mayor Napulan ordered for the transfer of all market vendors occupying Octaviano and Netura Streets to the Municipal Food Terminal which form part of the compliance of the said DILG MC.

Given the most number of barangays at 119, Mayor Napulan through a Memorandum Order also tapped the Barangay in the strict implementation of the Order.

“We have long been eager to work on this concern especially that traffic become one of the unresolved problem of the LGU, but we are constraint of the legalities and boundaries set forth by Law. This time, we have this DILG MC that mandates us to work on it and we are up to do what is bestowed and expected from us in the MLGU,” said Mayor Napulan. (ABMande)

Mayor Napulan orders road clearing, removal of illegal structures

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In compliance with the DILG MC 2019-121, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD issued Executive Order ordered creating the Municipal Anti-Illegal Structures and Constructions Committee (MAISCC) and Municipal Task Force on Road Clearing and ordered road clearing and immediate removal of illegal structures and construction with warrants.

In his Executive Order 2019-057, Mayor Napulan said that prior the demolition the Committee and Task Force members “will conduct inventory of all roads within its territorial jurisdiction”.

The Committee were bestowed with powers to: 1.) Adopt measures to identify and effectively impose restrictions on illegal structures and constructions and recommend to revoke permits that give authority to private entities occupying public roads, alleys and other thoroughfares; 2.) Develop plans and implement strategies beneficial to the displaces individuals on the implementation of DILG MC 2019-121; 3.) Undertake investigation of violation of laws or rules on eviction, clearing and demolition and recommend appropriate action on the same; 4.) Monitor eviction and demolition activities and establish its own monitoring system; and 5.) request assistance from any government entity, if necessary.

For the Task Force, the members are expected to: 1.) Provide administrative support to the MAISCC; 2.) Prepare inventory of all roads within the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality and identify illegal structures and constructions; 3.) Submit to the MAISCC its report of violation and recommend the same for demolition upon the MAISCC approval; and 4.) Perform such other functions that may be necessary for the accomplishment of the above relative to the directive of President Rodrigo RoaDutere, through DILG MC 2019-121.

“These initiatives form part of our promotion of the general welfare and safety of our constituents,” said Mayor Napulan. (ABMande)

Alay Lakad funds to finance ALS Program

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) collected a total amount of P44,689.00 from the Alay Lakad activity on September 8, 2019 and this amount will finance the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program for the out-of-school –youth and indigent adults.

The Activity, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Iloilo Miagao Chapter, was well participated in by all sectors to include municipal officials and employees, academe, transport, NGOs, CSOs and business sectors in the Municipality.

“It has as well achieved the purpose of raising funds to finance the ALS program of the Municipality.  Alay Lakad has been our avenue to solicit maximum participation of all sectors to help create a society that aims to attain the full economic and social well-being of the country’s under privilege,” said Mayor Macario Napulan, MD in a message.

In Miagao, the ALS program is facilitated by the faculty from the Department of Education from the Districts of Miagao East and Miagao West.  The ALS students are attending class sessions in their various catchment areas with skills training in specialized courses as an integral part of their capacity development. (ABMande)

Photo credits to Ma Fe Palmos

GSIS offers GFAL to employees, Inks MOA with MLGU

GSIS offers GFAL to employees

Inks MOA with MLGU

MIAGAO, Iloilo – The employees of the Municipal Local Government can now enjoy the benefits that the Government Service Insurance System Financial Assistance Loan (GFAL) II offers to government employees.

This, after Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD and GSIS Branch Manager Marciana M. Bata officially signed the Memorandum of Agreement to make the GSIS GFAL available to municipal government employees. GFAL offers refinancing of employees’ outstanding loans with private lending institutions through the GSIS.

“There is an urgent need to address the over-borrowing of government employees from private lenders and to promote welfare of government employees considering the risk that if left unaddressed, nothing might be left of the concerned personnel’s retirement or separation benefits as said benefits might be treated as payment to their outstanding loan obligations to the GSIS,” said Mayor Napulan.

Employees however, may avail of the GFAL provided that the “net take home of the borrower must adhere to the provision on the minimum net take home pay set forth in the General Appropriations Act” that is not below P5,000.00. (ABMande)


MDRRMC bags 2nd Best Gawad KALASAG

MIAGAO, Iloilo – THE Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC) was awarded 2nd Best 1st to 4th Class LDRRMC Category in the 21st Gawad KALASAG Awarding Ceremony 2019 of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council through the Office of the Civil Defense at Smallville 21 Hotel in Iloilo City.

“The Gawad KALASAG (KAlamidad at Sakuna LAbanan. SAriling, Galing ang Kaligtasan) is an award and recognition to local government units, non-government organizations and other stakeholders  who had exemplary contribution to humanitarian assistance and DRRM programs that not only aims to save lives but also adhere to the  standards of DRRM thematic areas,”  explained MRDDMO Ronan John Austria.

Mr. Austria said that the participants to the regional awards went through rigid validations and assessment on May 16, 2019.

“This is a prestigious award and important to us considering that Miagao envisions to become a disaster and climate resilient community,” said Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD in a message. (ABMande