Miagao’s Irrigators Association named National SWISA Champion

Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Elias V. Sandig visits DUROG IRRIGATORS ASSOCIATION, the Outstanding SWISA of the Philippines.


Durog Irrigator’s Association of the Municipality of Miagao is declared as the Most Outstanding Small Water Irrigation System in the country by the Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Department of Agriculture.

The achievement of the association is made possible through the support of the municipal government under the leadership of Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD., as well as the efforts of Ms. Frea Monsale and staff of Municipal Agriculture Office and the Durog IA President Mrs. Fe Rem Niñofranco and members.

The association was recognized for its outstanding performance on project implementation, operation and maintenance of irrigation systems that lead to higher rice production, and increase of income of farmer members.

Durog IA will receive a grant of Php 1 million worth of projects, particularly for the procurement of needed farm equipment.

On Gawad Parangal, Napulan: ‘It challenged me to do more’

On Gawad Parangal

Napulan: ‘It challenged me to do more’

MIAGAO, Iloilo – On top of the recognition as one of the Outstanding Local Chief Executives of the Philippines, for Miagao Mayor Macario Napulan, MD the Award has served as his inspiration and challenge to do even more for the people of Miagao in particular in the field of social governance.

“I am thankful to the people of Miagao for their support and for showing me that they are contended with the kind of service that I am giving (them).  This Award has in fact challenged me to serve and do even more,” said Mayor Napulan in his message before members of the panel of evaluators for the validation of his entry for the 2019 Gawad Parangal for Outstanding Local Chief Executives.

According to Mayor Napulan, he considered social governance is his top priority among other areas of local governance.  In his stint as Municipal Mayor, Miagao has steadfastly gained momentum and had earned significant development outputs and notable recognitions to include Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance, Seal of Good Local Governance, Seal of Good Housekeeping, Seal of Good Education Governance, Excellence in Local Governance, Gawad Kalasag, Pasidungog sa Nutrisyon Champion, among others.  These accomplishments granted him the recognition as Outstanding Local Chief Executive of the Philippines, 1st to 3rd Class Municipality in the Gawad Parangal 2018 by the Association of the Local Social Welfare and Development Officers of the Philippines Inc. (ALSWDOPI).

In his statement, Mr. Larry Petinglay, Gawad Parangal Chairperson for Visayas said that the Miagao, under the watch of Napulan, is incomparable.

“You are truly inspiring. Congratulations for a very comprehensive presentation.  Congratulations for making Miagao a great town,” he said.

For 2019 validation, the evaluators looked into the following as criteria:

  1. Annual Investment Plan, Comprehensive Local Development Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the last three years
  2. Narrative accomplishments with action photos focusing on the implementation of local social welfare and development programs and services within a year (based on LGPMS rating (2017-2018)
  3. Introduced innovative social welfare and development interventions and good practices
  4. Enacted Local Legislation in support to local social welfare and development programs.
  5. Appropriated funds for the implementation of local social welfare and development program/projects and services.
  6. Awards and commendations received.

The criteria were well answered in a 20-minute video presentation of total of forty three (43) LGU initiated programs and projects and best practices in the field of social governance namely Support to Education and Sustainable Livelihood Program, Oplan Salbar Bata, Child Development and Supplementary Feeding Program, Alay Lakad for ALS Learners, Miagao Assistance to College Students Program, Project DOK, I am for HOPE Project, 24/7 First Aid and Birthing Clinic, Basura Mo, Pagkaon Ko Project, Love and Care for the Elderly, Special Program for the Employment of Students, Support for Differently Abled Persons, Labor Market Information and Employment Facilitation Program, Senior Citizens’ Welfare Program, Women’s Month Celebration, Child and Youth Welfare Development Program, AICS in 15-minutes, Pre marriage Counseling, Solo Parent association of Miagao, Aftercare Transformation and Re-Integration for PWUDS, MAC Growth Program, DSWD Convergence Framework, Establishment of Animal Bite Treatment Center, Zero Open Defecation, Health and Nutrition Program, Project TOKSAM, Pasyente Ko, Sugaton Ko, Ugnayan sa Komunidad, Organic Agriculture Program, Cash for Work, Gulayan sa Barangay Health Station, Project BEST, Tourism Promotion and Development, Forest and Climate Change Protection Project, Local Economic Enterprise Development, Social Insurance and Protection, Social Protection for indigent Senior Citizen, Adaptation Management of Children, Referral of Abused, Neglected and Abandoned Children, We ACCESS, and Opening and Concreting of Farm to Market Roads.

Earlier, the Office of the Social Welfare and Development Officer headed by Mrs. Rosalinda Mueda and OIC-Municipal Administrator John F. Nocal earlier submitted a more or less 1000-page attachment to ensure that all areas of the criteria are justified.

“I am thankful that the people of Miagao are happy for having me as their leader,” concluded Mayor Napulan who won by a margin of 25,000 votes against his opponent in the 2019 elections.

Gawad Parangal is an annual search for outstanding service in the field of social work among local leaders and social workers.  The Search is initiated by the ALSWDOPI, a professional organization of the provincial, city and municipal social welfare and development officers in the country.

Result will be announced anytime soon and the awarding will be held at SMX MOA in Manila. (ABMande)


Creates Anti-Coronavirus Task Force

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In the light of the widespread of 2019  Coronavirus (2019-nCov), Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD created through Executive Order  2002-009 the Anti-Coronavirus Task Force to prevent the spread of the disease in the Municipality.

Chaired by Mayor Napulan himself, a doctor by profession, the Task Force was tasked to intensify information education campaign against Coronavirus and implement programs, projects and services necessary to promote the health and well-being of every Miagaowanons.

The task force will work on the aspects of prevention, containment and control, anti-coronavirus information management, local crisis management and environmental health management.

On Prevention, the task force was tasked to set-up Information or Call Center to facilitate the reporting of coronavirus suspects and contacts, conduct barangay wide-clean-up campaign and organize a minimum of one Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT)  in every 5,000 population.

On Containment and Control, the task force will receive records of persons arriving in the municipality from coronavirus affected country, provide logistical assistance to the BHERTS in carrying out their task, refer and transport coronavirus suspect to DOH designated referral centers and dispel rumors and calm down the people when hysteria and panic grip the community because of false and misleading information about the virus.

On Information Management, the task force will conduct consultation on the guidelines and protocol relative to the safety measures, and prevention and control of the virus, disseminate information materials, tap the local media in communication, and conduct public dialogue among others.

On Local Crisis Management to organize the BHERT, provide protective gadgets to each of the members of BHERT, monitor the prices of medicines and preventive gadgets and file charges against hoarding or overpricing, and in coordination with the police authorities, cause the establishment of check points if needed.

On Environmental Management, the task force is expected to ensure that garbage is properly disposed, and ensure that public places and areas are cleaned and disinfected.

Meantime, each of the managers designated in the Issuance are making plans to effectively carry out their duties and responsibilities as ordered. (ABMande)



Employees revisit gender concerns

MIAGAO, ILOILO – Employees of the Municipal Local Government here revisited the laws and policies related to gender and development (GAD) in a one-day Gender Sensitivity Training at the JRBB Hall, November 27th.

The training, participated in by municipal officials and employees aims to open up communication between both sexes to bring mutual understanding and respect of each other’s roles in the Municipality.

Further it aims to: provide understanding of the basic concepts of gender relations and dynamics; orient the participants with governing laws and policies related to GAD; and provide a venue to re-examine ideas, beliefs, attitudes and opinions concerning gender relations.

“I am expecting that the employees will seriously give importance to this seminar. It is a must that government employees are aware of issues related to gender relations and have the knowledge on how to address this,” Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD in his speech.

To bring out the purpose, experts were employed in the person of Dr. Mary Barby Badayos-Jover as resource speaker and Ms. Dana Lee Durana and Ms. Raquel Ningas as facilitators.

Dr. Jover talked on basic concepts and issued related to gender-sensitivity, introduced the salient features of the GAD policies that are relevant to the employees’ tasks and acquaint them with some of the GAD mainstreaming responsibilities expected of them.

“The training is also necessary for effective functioning of the LGU and to properly respond to the clients’ gender needs,” concluded Mayor Napulan. (ABMande)

Barangay officials trained on RDANA


MIAGAO, Iloilo – For the purpose of deploying them in the barangay on Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) come disaster, barangay officials  here were engaged in a three-day training at the SK Covered Gym, Barangay Ubos Ilaya on November 26 to 28, 2019.

In an interview with LDRRM Officer Mr. Ronan John Austria, he said that at the end of the training, the participants are expected to understand the concepts of DRRM Fund Utilization, understand the key elements of a comprehensive RDANA strategy, carry out the participatory facilitation of hazard, vulnerability, capacity and risk assessment of the community, and plan and design effective community disaster awareness initiatives, among others.

The participants include punong barangays, kagawad chairperson on Committee on Environment, barangay secretary and treasurer and Civil Society Organization representatives.

Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD expressed his support to the training as he stressed that vulnerabilities and needs can only be identified through proper consultation with the communities concerns who understand local realities and context more than the outsiders.

“Even the most vulnerable communities possess skills, knowledge and capacities that we want to consider an asset in times of disasters.  RDANA was designed so that necessary immediate actions and responses will be brought fast and direct to the community during inevitable situations,” said Mayor Napulan.

The seminar was conducted in tandem with the Liga ng mga Barangay and the Department of the Interior and Local Government. (ABMande)

Wedding for PWUDs done

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Some seven unwed Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUDS) graduates of Community Base Rehabilitation Program (CBRP) from the Municipality of Miagao were wedded in a simple ceremony at the JRBB Hall, November 26th.

MSWDO Rosalinda Mueda explained that the activity is part of the Aftercare Transformation and Integration Program under the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO).

“It aims to transform former drug dependents into community leaders, whom the LGU can mobilize during times of natural disasters,” said Mrs. Mueda.

Early on, Mrs. Mueda said that of the 103 PWUDS in Miagao, 87 were assessed and on the Addiction Severity Index.  Of the number, however, 76 successfully graduated from CBRP which was conducted and facilitated by the Municipal Health Office.

Under the Aftercare Transformation and Integration Program, the PWUDS are expected to actively participate in the 18 months aftercare activities to include Basic Life Support, Basic Fire Fighting and 12 Step to Addiction Recovery Sessions among others.

For his part, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD congratulated the couple.

“The government can extend all possible assistance to you when you are legally married.  This is already the start of a whole new life for all of you,” Mayor Napulan told the couple. (ABMande)