Miagao gets two more Social Services Awards

The “dagyaw” exemplary spirit of the people of Miagao and its local government has never gone wasted after it was recognized by the Department of Social Welfare and Development Region VI as the “Most Responsive LGU in Implementing RRP-CCAM- DRR” and “Best LGU Implementing RRP-CCAM-DRR with Exemplary Bayanihan (Dagyaw) Spirit”.

This came after the bayanihan spirit of the offices of the MSWDO headed by Mrs. Rosalinda Mueda, Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer under Mr. Isidro Mosura and Municipal Agriculturist under Ms. Ma. Frea Monsale worked in tandem with the 37 barangays in the establishment of the food forest. The LGU offices concern worked on the documentary requirements and technical assistance while the barangays worked on the ground to put up and maintain the food forest project.

This has benefited a total of 1,500 recipients who was given assistance for the 10-day period that they worked with the project.

Mayor Macario Napulan for his part lauded the effort of the Offices mentioned and the barangays which resulted to this award.



Another feather on its cap Miagao lauded for its effort on combating Climate Change

MIAGAO, ILOILO – The Municipality of Miagao gets another recognition for its effective and efficient implementation of strategies against the harmful effects climate change in the Municipality.

The Certificate of Recognition and Award was presented to Miagao through Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD in a virtual awarding ceremony of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Environment Management Bureau Western Visayas held earlier today.

“Climate change is definitely upon us. Being mindful of this, I am loud and proud that we have laid down an effective climate change adaptation strategies that improved the resilience of Miagaowanons especially those living in the barangays that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” Mayor Napulan said in his speech during the awarding ceremony.

The strategies that Mayor Napulan were referring to were inked in the Local Climate Change Action Plan and are being implemented by the different offices with the Office of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer as the lead agency.

“Today, as you recognize our efforts, I am happy that something is being done to address the problem – and know that it is being done right,” Napulan concluded.

On Hall of Fame awardee as Outstanding Municipal Mayor of the Philippines Mayor Napulan dedicates award to Miagaowanons

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Mayor MacarioNapulan, MD was conferred the first of Hall of Fame Awardee as one of the Outstanding Local Chief Executives of the Philippines by the Association of the Local Social Welfare and Development Officers of the Philippines Inc. (ALSWDOPI)in a virtual ceremony during the Association’s 24th National Social Welfare and Development Forum and General Assemply.

“I am humbled and grateful for this. This achievement is dedicated to God, as well as, to my beloved Miagaowanons, who had endeavored with me through the years for MiagaosaPagbag-o, a public governance that is for the people, the people and of the people,” Mayor Napulan said.

According to Mayor Napulan, he considered social governance as his top priority among other areas of local governance. In his stint as Municipal Mayor, Miagao has steadfastly gained momentum and had earned significant development outputs and notable recognitions to include Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance, Seal of Good Local Governance, Seal of Good Housekeeping, Seal of Good Education Governance, Excellence in Local Governance, GawadKalasag, PasidungogsaNutrisyonChampion, among others. These accomplishments granted him the recognition as Outstanding Local Chief Executive of the Philippines, 1st to 3rd Class Municipality in the GawadParangal for three years in 2018, 2019 and 2021 by the ALSWDOPI.

“I feel a sense of accomplishment everyone I conceptualized a project up to its actual completion, and being able to witness the benefit it gives to my people brings me joy. For I want my fellow Miagaowanons happy and contented,” he said.


For the 2021 validation on October 18, 2021, the evaluators looked into the following as criteria:

  1. Annual Investment Plan, Comprehensive Local Development Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the last three years
  2. Narrative accomplishments with action photos focusing on the implementation of local social welfare and development programs and services within a year
  3. Introduced innovative social welfare and development interventions and good practices
  4. Enacted Local Legislation in support to local social welfare and development programs.
  5. Appropriated funds for the implementation of local social welfare and development program/projects and services.
  6. Awards and commendations received.


For the 2021 validation on Cotober 18, 2021, Mayor Napulan was loud and proud of to showcase 47 programs, projects and accomplishment presentation in a 45-minute video. These PPAs are the following:

– Creation of the Local COVID19 Task Force and Establishment of Miagao COVID19 Task Force

– Establishment of Quarantine Facilities and Provisions of Food and Other Supplies

– COVID19 Case Management, Contact Tracing, RT-PCR testing, Vaccination and Emergency Response

– Project “HUGYON” (Hugpongkag Mag-Ugyon Kita Miagaowanon)

– Labor Market and Employment Facilitation Program

– MiagaoWalaGutomsaTyempo sang Pandemya

– Suatinable Livelihood Program

– Persons with Disability Program

– Senior Citizen’s Welfare Program

– Early Childhood Care and Development

– PagkabalakasamgaBabayesaTion sang Pandemya

– TatayKabahonka sang Pagbag-o

– Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) in 15 minutes

– Project DOK

– Solo Parent Association of Miagao

– Miagao OFW Family Circle

– SerbisyoPag-ulikidsamgaKubos for Recovered Drug Dependents (Aftercare Transformation and Re-integration of Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUD)

– MAC Growth Program

– Miagao Food Forestry

– Adoption Program

– Kabalakaky Lola Oya

– 24/7 First Aid and Birthing Clinic

– Establishment of Animal Bite Treatment Center

– Substance Abuse and Prevention Program

– Zero Open Defecation

– Health and Nutrition Programs

– Project TOKSAM, Adlawni SAM and NgitingAlagaparakay SAM

– Basura Mo, PagkaonKo Project

– Pasyente Mo, SugatonKo

– UgnayansaKomunidad

– Organic Agriculture Program

– Miagao Assistance to College Students

– I am for HOPE

– Gulayansa Barangay Health Station, GulayansaPaaralan and Gulayansa Barangay

– Project BEST: BuyagngaEmpleyadosaSerbisyoTodoTodo

– KooperasyonkagKoordinasyon Para saMaulingaMiagaowanon

– Forest and Climate Change Protection Project

– HIV/AIDS Prevention Program

– OplanSalbar Bata

– Referral of Abuse, Neglected and Abandoned Children

– Service Delivery Network

– We ACCESS: Online Banking, Saving Time, Beating Deadlines

– PRIME-HRM: Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management of LGU Miagao

– Grant of Hazard Pay to all Municipal Employees

– Support to Education on Modular and Blended Learning during COID19 Pandemic

– Opening and Concreting of Farm-to-Market Roads

“It is my fervent prayer to our Almighty God to sustain and keep us united as we endeavor to heal as one,” concluded Mayor Napulan.

Gawad Parangal is an annual search for outstanding service in the field of social work among local leaders and social workers. The Search is initiated by the ALSWDOPI, a professional organization of the provincial, city and municipal social welfare and development officers in the country.

Schools get Printers for Module Production

Mayor Macario Napulan, MD led the ceremonial turnover of printers to some 18 elementary and high schools through their schools heads and representatives at the Executive Conference Room earlier today.

The purchase of printer was made possible through tbe Special Education Fund of the Local School Board amounting to P180,000.00.

“I know some of you have been using personal funds to supplement your school needs especially in the printing of module. This is to acknowledge your effort in all that you have been doing to make this modular learning successful,” said Mayor Napulan.

For the part of the school heads, they have been very much thankful for this assistance.

Miagao Conducts Serbisyo Caravan in Barangay Pudpud

In the aim to bring the municipal government closer to the people, the Municipality of Miagao conducted a one-day Serbisyo Caravan and Launching of the TV Aralan in Barangay Pudpud today.

The initiative was part of the Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government in partnership with the Municipal Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict.

Among the services rendered were the following:

– Medical consultation

– Agriculture services that include dog castration, anti-rabies vaccination and cattle, carabao and goat vaccination and deworming

– fruit tree and forest seeds distribution

– Balik Probinsya Program screening and other Social Services under the MSWDO

– Advocy on RPT collection and registration of large cattles

– career/ employment coaching

– national building code

– AIP preparation

OMA starts Revaccination of 2,277 Dogs

The Office of the Municipal Agriculturist has started the revaccination of 2,277 dogs in nine barangays in the Municipality.

In an interview with Mr. Albert Narte, livestock technician from the OMA , he said that they have sent specimen to the laboratory from the dog bite incident last October 18, 2021 which resulted positive of rabies.

“After the thorough contact tracing, we have identified 11 person, six dogs from nine barangays to have been affected by the strayed rabid dog,” he explained.

As such, the Office was advised by the Provincial Veterinary Office to conduct revaccination to all the dogs in these barangays. These are barangays Kirayan Norte, Kirayan Sur, Kirayan Tacas, Igtuba, Guibongan, Baybay Norte, Banuyao, Naulid and Maninila.

“We wish to prevent the spread of rabies in the Municipality that we have really worked extra effort to conduct this revaccination,” Mr. Narte said.

According to him, they have prepared 400 vials equivalent to 4,000 doses for this purpose.

Meanwhile, the identified dog that was bitten by the rabid dog has been subjected to monitoring. Dogs that have been vaccinated prior the incident will be the subject for revaccination while those unvaccinated will be eliminated later in the process.

“The strategy of the vaccination is per zoning area where the stray animals were traced to have passed by to make sure that no one will be left behind,” he explained concluded.