Municipal government employees received free lunch from Congresswoman Janette Garin and Mayor Richard Garin who will be celebrating their birthday on December 11th.
Many happy returns to the two of you! May you have a successful career doing what you do best…serving the Miagaowanons. Happy birthday!

DOLE TUPAD orientation to 36 Miagaowanons. This project has a funding support from the Office of Congresswoman Janette L. Garin.
Thank you Congresswoman Garin!

Earlier today the representatives of the Office of Civil Defense and other national government agencies conducted Post Disaster Needs Analysis on the damages brought about by STS Paeng in Miagao recently.
According to Mr John Nocal, OIC MDRRMO, the result will be submitted to NEDA for consideration in the formulation of the Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan of the town.

Mayor Richard Garin signals green light to the contractor of the concreting of Bacauan-Naclub Road.


In the aim to reduce the volume and pile of garbage at the dumpsite, the municipal local government under the watch of Mayor Richard Garin has finally procured a pyrolysis machine.
The machine, delivered earlier, will convert non-biodegradable waste into ash. Hence, will reduce its space consumption at the dumpsite.
Photos show during its delivery.