No matter how busy they will be, Mayor Richard Garing and daughter Rica Jane sees to it that they got to spend some time with the gatherings for Miagaowanons.
“I just dropped by to say my greetings to each and everyone. Importante kamo kanamon kag ang inyo role sa barangay. The best gift that I can give you in this season is not so much on materials things but above all its the presence. I hope you to share your blessings and happiness man sa inyo kabarangay mag uli kamo,” said Mayor Garin.
The Barangay Health Workers newly elected set of officers also took their oath of office before Mayor Garin.
In her message, BHW president Lilian Sisonrojas thanked the Garin family for the three heads roast pig, lunch and free tshirts for the 287 BHWs. Mayor Garin also gave consolation prices to the candidates of Mutya kang BHW 2022.

Mayor Richard Garin presides over the what seems to be the last Municipal Peace and Order Council and Municipal Anti Drug Abuse Council meeting for the year 2022.
In his message, Mayor Garin thanked everyone “because some of you are not just employees but are extraordinary ones who are committed to serve Miagao particularly in our campaign on peace and order and against anti-drug abuse.”
“I greet everyone a merry Christmas. I hope that the members (of MPOC and MADAC) will be enlightened by the essence of Christmas. Thank you for your commitment,” Mayor Garin concluded.


In support and acknowledgement to the role of the Barangay Health Workers in the community, Mayor Richard Garin sponsored for some 287 shirts for their use. It was on time for their Christmas Party later tonight!
Thank you Mayor RSG!


The greatest things on this world is not so much about where we are right now, but it is on what direction we are moving towards.
We are here combining the effort of the good planner and the good project implementer so we could say that someday for this town of Miagao,
malab ot ta guid ang aton handum for Miagao to be the best place to live.”
– Mayor Richard Garin said during the Tingog sang Miagaowanon sponsored by the SK and Senior Citizen.