Bedridden Miagaowanons to receive gift packs on Oca Garin Day

Pursuant to Provincial Ordinance declaring January 22nd of every year as Oca Garin Day (Day of Kindness), the Municipality of Miagao will give out gift packs to some 250 bedridden Miagaowanons.
“Amo dya ang naandan ni Oca Garin. He is known for his generosity and kindness that we want to pass on sa aton mga kasimanwa nga mga bedridden,” Mayor Richard Garin said.
Mayor Garin also encourages everyone to “do your own way of kindness and generosity”.


In honor and respect to former OIC Municipal Mayor Gloria Jaen who joined her creator on January 10, 2023, the Philippine National Flag in front of the municipal building was raised half mast until January 23rd.
In his message Mayor Richard Garin called Mrs. Jaen as a ‘women of courage’.
“She has been the mayor of this municipality from 1986 to 1988. Sometime in 1987 she made a decision to support the late Congressman Oca Garin. At that time maybe, politically she was wrong, but morally she was right. That I can recall about the late Mayor Gloria Jaen. Condolences to the family!” said Mayor Garin.
Mayor Garin also instructed the Human Resource Management Office to closely coordinate with the family in the preparation of the interment.


These newly appointed barangay officials took their oath of office before Mayor Richard Garin earlier today.
Thank you for accepting the challenge of serving our kasimanwas! CONGRATULATIONS!
– RHEA MAE MONREAL – Barangay Health Worker, Barangay Tan-agan
– LORADEH SANTILLANA – Barangay Health Worker, Barangay Tan-agan
– MYCA ANGELU YATING – Child Development Worker, Barangay Durog
– HANNA JEANE LUMAYNO, Barangay Service Point Officer, Barangay Durog
– MA. CECILIA NAPATOTAN – Barangay Health Worker, Barangay Durog
– RENATO MOLEÑO– Barangay Kagawad, Barangay Nam-o Norte
– GRACE ROBELLANO – Barangay Kagawad, Barangay Ticdalan