LOOK here. Reorganization of the Miagao Weavers Association during their first general assembly under the watch of the new Tourism Officer Mrs. Mary Diane Flordeliza.

LOOK. The local government unit of Miagao maintains postings of financial and other importance documents in three strategic places, at the JRBB Hall, Municipal Building and Miagao Public Market, which is in compliance to the DILG memorandum on transparency as part of good governance.
These postings, including that at the DILG portal has been religiously complied by the LGU since the introduction of the Seal of Good Housekeeping in 2010.

LOOK. The local government unit here faces validation in their aim to get yet another Seal of Good Local Governance Awards from the Department of Interior and Local Government.
SGLG is a progressive assessment system that gives distinction to remarkable local government performance in various areas of governance.