Laughters filled the air as Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr expressed his support to the plan, programs, and activities of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. In fact, he approved their request for the purchase of new service vehicle for their use in their dispatch of duties and responsibilities for the Miagawanons.

Mayor RSG leads Budget Call Bares 10-Point Executive Agenda

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr led the first Budget Forum in his administration at the JRBB Hall earlier today. The Budget Forum, attended by municipal officials and department heads, is the start of the preparation of the CY 2023 Annual Budget.
In the Forum Mayor Garin bared his 10-Point Executive Agenda to wit:
1. Health and Pandemic& Recovery
2. Infrastructure Development
3. Livelihood, Labor and Employment Program
4. Agricultural and Fishery Development
5. Tourism Development and Promotion
6. Economic Enterprise Development
7. Peace and Order and Public Safety
8. Social Welfare and Education Development
9. Youth and Sports Development
10. Environmental Management and Protection
Mayor Garin will live by the challenge of the projected decrease in the 2023 National Tax Allotment of P39,054,516.00 or 14.47% lower than the NTA of 2022.

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr warmly welcomed Schools Division Superintendent of Iloilo Dr. Ma. Luz M. De Los Reyes during her courtesy visit earlier today. Dr. De Los Reyes discussed with Mayor Garin the Divisions’ plan for reclassification of principals which according to her will open for opportunities for promotion.
Mayor Garin welcomed the development as he entrust such decision to DepEd.

Mayor RSG meets Taga Centro

 Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr attentively listens as he is oriented of the daily operations of the Municipal Health Office.
Mayor Garin also bares his plans for the MHO to include construction of MHO Annex Building, establishment of laboratory, purchase of two additional service vehicles, acquisition of dental van, hiring of additional health personnel among others, all for the best interest and service for the Miagaowanons.