UPDATES I Transportation Matters

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr attentively listens to LTO ARD Atty. Gaudioso Geduspan and LTFRB Legal Counsel Atty. Jun Altura as they discussed the PUV modernization program.
Also in the same photo are UPV representatives Ms. Melany Calbaben and Mr. Raymund Gemarino requesting that UPV be given their own transportation route franchise.

Mayor RSG to DA officials: enjoin us in all agriculture projects

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr asked Department of Agriculture Assistant Regional Director Albert Barrogo to enjoin the local government in the Department’s programs and projects during his courtesy visit earlier today.
In particular Mayor Garin asked for the identification and funding of more farm-to-market roads and irrigation sites and assistance to additional farm machineries and inputs.
He also asked the DA to ensure that their assistance to farmers are given to those who are really in need of such assistance.

IN PHOTOS I Solo Parent Association of Miagao

“Kabay pa daad nga maintiendihan kang iban kag makasakripisyo man sanda para sa iban kag sa aton banwa.” Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr said in appreciation to the officers of the Solo Parent Association for their sacrifices for themselves, their family, and the community during their Oath Taking earlier today.

On illegal drugs PDEA: No problem in Miagao

Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr was happy to receive the news that Miagao has no problem on illegal drugs. This was revealed during the courtesy visit of PDEA Director Alex Tablate to Mayor Garin earlier today.
Director Tablate also said that Miagao has no problem in sustaining its ‘drug cleared’ status. It may be noted PDEA declared Miagao as the first drug cleared Municipality in the Province of Iloilo.

‘Bantay Bayan’

Supportive to the administration of Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin Jr, the Federation of Bantay Bayan – Visayas Region offered their volunteer service to the Miagaowanons.
In their meeting with Mayor Garin, Chairman Rudy Genova expressed their willingness to assist on traffic management every Tuesday of the week and to conduct a once a month Oplan Linis in the community.
To his delight, Mayor Garin offered them assistance in the renewal of their accreditation with the Sangguniang Bayan, free training in self-defense and other aids beneficial to the group and their family.
Thank you very much!