Mayor RSG joins ERPAT family day

“Every private individual has its own private responsibility. Do not let young age or poverty hinders us in nation building. Ang tagsa kanaton duon has our responsibility sa ikaayad man kang aton banwa,” said Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr during the Empowerment of Paternal Abilities (ERPAT) Family Day.
Mayor Garin also lauded the initiative of the MSWDO especially that the program invests on emotions as it revisits their role in their family and the community.
The family day was a gathering of all organized groups in Miagao to include Solo Parent, OFW Family Circle, PWD, Elderly, KALIPI, ERPAT and Day Care Workers, among others.

‘United as one’

While there is a concept of a “separation of the church and state”, it remains equally important that there are united efforts between the two.
In his message during the Disco Derby, Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr said that both, the local government and the church “are trying our best to unite the people of Miagao”.
“We can never attain success kang simbahan man ukon gobyerno without united efforts. Indi lang kang mga opisyal, kundi kang bilog guid nga pumuluyo,” said Mayor Garin.
Mayor Garin was with the church officials for a dinner during the Feast of St. Thomas of Villanova.
“Basic commodity ang pag-irimaway. Salamat sa friendship, pag irimaway kang banwa kag simbahan,” he concluded.

Mayor RSG: ‘Halungan guid namon ang inyo kumpyansa kag pagsarig’

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In gratitude to the Miagaowanons for their trust, support and cooperation, Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr assured to stay with the people of Miagao and live by his promise to make Miagao a great town.
“I prefer to stay. Indi ko pagpabay-an ang banwa kang Miagao. Halungan guid namon ang inyo kumpyansa kag pagsarig,” Mayor Garin said in his speech during the gathering of all Miagao Public Health Warriors (PHW) earlier today.
Mayor Garin revealed that there were tempting offers for national government positions immediately after the election, but his love for Miagao held him to stay.
The gathering of the PHW has served as venue for Mayor Garin to update the group of his accomplishments for barely three months that he is Mayor of Miagao. He also shared with them the direction of the town for the next three years.
He highlighted the huge projects lined up for Miagao to include the completion of the shoreline protection, opening of new roads, concreting of roads, and construction of a four-storey municipal building, among others.

‘Indi ko kamo pagpabay-an Miagaowanons!’

Offers for higher national government positions kept pouring down for Mayor Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, Jr but he chose to stay and serve the Miagaowanons.
In his speech during the Search for Lin-ay kang Hablon 2022, Mayor Garin shared that because of the overwhelming result of the May 9, 2022 National Elections, he was offered higher positions with the DPWH and DSWD.
“It was very tempting, but I cant. Indi ko kamo pagpabay-an Miagaowanons.” said Mayor Garin.
Mayo Garin is serving his first term as Municipal Mayor of Miagao. In most of his public engagements, he has been vocal of his vision for Miagao. In 2023, with the assistance from Congresswoman Janette Garin, some 250-million worth of infrastructure projects were lined up for the town.