About Miagao


The Municipality has a total land area of 15,722.04 hectares. The poblacion, composed of eight (8) barangays, has an area of 299.54 hectares and the remaining 111 barangays has a total area of 15,422.50.

Miagao, a brief History

Miagao became an independent Municipality in 1716. It used to be a part or arrabal of four (4) different towns. Record shows that before Miagao became a town, it was an arrabal of Oton until 1580; of Tigbauan until 1952; of Suaraga or Suaragan (now San Joaquin) until 1703; and of Guimbal until 1716 when it became an independent town. It was until 1731, however, when Miagao had its own head.  Read more: Miagao, a brief History

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News & Announcement

Miagiao, Philippines

Read More About Miagao

Creates Anti-Coronavirus Task Force

MIAGAO, Iloilo – In the light of the widespread of 2019  Coronavirus (2019-nCov), Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD created through Executive Order  2002-009 the Anti-Coronavirus Task Force to prevent the spread of the disease in the Municipality. Chaired by Mayor Napulan...

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Employees revisit gender concerns

MIAGAO, ILOILO – Employees of the Municipal Local Government here revisited the laws and policies related to gender and development (GAD) in a one-day Gender Sensitivity Training at the JRBB Hall, November 27th. The training, participated in by municipal officials and...

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Barangay officials trained on RDANA

  MIAGAO, Iloilo – For the purpose of deploying them in the barangay on Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) come disaster, barangay officials  here were engaged in a three-day training at the SK Covered Gym, Barangay Ubos Ilaya on November 26 to 28,...

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Wedding for PWUDs done

MIAGAO, Iloilo – Some seven unwed Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUDS) graduates of Community Base Rehabilitation Program (CBRP) from the Municipality of Miagao were wedded in a simple ceremony at the JRBB Hall, November 26th. MSWDO Rosalinda Mueda explained that the...

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