Municipal Profile
Miagao became an independent Municipality in 1716. It used to be a part or arrabal of four (4) different towns. Record shows that before Miagao became a town, it was an arrabal of Oton until 1580; of Tigbauan until 1952; of Suaraga or Suaragan (now San Joaquin) until 1703; and of Guimbal until 1716 when it became an independent town. It was until 1731, however, when Miagao had its own head.The first Capitan and Teniente Mayor (equivalent to mayor and vice mayor in present day set-up) of Miagao were Nicolas Pangkug and Diego Sale, respectively. Their “election” was held in Guimbal under the supervision of Victorino C. Ma., authorized representative of the governor. Nicolas Pangkug served for three consecutive terms of one year each from 1731-1733.Before he became town capitan, Nicolas Pangkug was teniente mayor of Guimbal. As a resident of Miagao, he was entrusted with the care and supervision of this town until he became the head. Pangkug became capitan again in 1735 and 17391740. Altogether, he served for six years.
From 1716 to the present, Miagao has had 135 town heads with Oscar “Richard” S. Garin, an Engineer by profession, former member of the House of Representatives, Vice Governor of the Province of Iloilo, Sangguniang Panlalawigan member and Municipal Mayor of Guimbal. He is now serving the Miagaowanons on his first term as Municipal Mayor of the town.
How Miagao got its name has several versions. The two popular ones, however, are on record. One popular version is that the name Miagao was derived from the name of a wild plant called “MIAGAOS” that grew abundantly in the place when the Spaniards first came here.
The name of Miagao has many disputed etymologies. One of the most popular, and probably the most widely accepted version is that the name of the town was derived from a plant named Miagos. Miagos or “Osmoxylon lineare” is a flowering plant from the family ‘Araliaceae’ that used to grow abundantly in the area when the Spaniards came. Because of its abundance in the area, the Spaniards named the place Miagos which later became Miagao.
Another version, according to Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Torres, a native priest of Igbaras, Iloilo, is that Miagao was derived from the name of an old negrito called Miyagaw, who when asked of the name of the place by the Spaniards, gave his name instead. The Spaniards mistook the answer as the response to their query.
A third version is a legend which relates that the name Miagao came from the love story of two young lovers, Maya and Gao.
Creation of the Municipality
History taught us that Miag-ao in 1580 was nothing more than a barrio of Oton, the first establish town in Iloilo province. Then Miag-ao became part of Tigbauan town until 1592 when it was then transferred under the jurisdiction of Guimbal. Miag-ao was like an orphan child nobody wanted whose care was relegated from one uninterested neighbor to another.
In 1716, the Spanish Civil Government simply decided to make Miag-ao an independent pueblo (town). Miag-ao of 1716 had 13,493 people and 2,974 houses. Of this population, there were 4,570 taxpayers. It can be supposed that the Spanish Governor of the Province of Iloilo thought it best to make Miag-ao a new entity for better tax collection. After all, the governor and his officials use Miag-ao as the summer escape because of the beautiful shoreline filled with colorful sea shells. Miag-ao as the economic center also was likely the reason for the frequent Muslim raids during the 18th century.
Miag-ao became a town in 1716 during the election held in Guimbal to decide on the town officials to run Miag-ao — Nicolas Pangkug as capitan (equivalent to mayor) and Diego Sale as teniente mayor (our equivalent of vice-mayor) were elected. It was presumed that the attendance during this election by the then Spanish Governor Victorino made it a significant event in the province.
Natural and Physical Characteristics
Miagao lies between 10° 36’44” N latitude and 122°06’39” N and 122°17’30” E longitude.
Miagao is one of the seven towns comprising the First District of Iloilo Province. It is situated 40 kilometers Southwest of Iloilo City and 58 kilometers from San Jose, the capital town of Antique. Overlooking the island of Negros towards Sulu Sea, Miagao is bounded by the towns of Igbaras to the Northeast, by Guimbal to the East, by San Joaquin to the West and by Sibalom, Antique to the Northwest.
Land Area and Waters
The municipality has a land area of 15,696 hectares or 156.96 square kilometers. The urban area composed of 22 barangays has an area of 1852.55 hectares or 18.5255 square kilometers while the remaining 97 barangays have a total area of 13,843.45 hectares or 138.4345 square kilometers. The municipal waters serving as fishing ground for both migratory and endemic fish has an area of 48 square kilometers. Miagao’s coastline stretches for 16 kilometers, spanning 22 barangays. The inland bodies of water are composed of three main rivers, namely: Tumagboc, Oyungan and Bacauan. The other smaller rivers are Naulid, Oya-oy and Narat-an. They all flow to the Panay Gulf. The Oyungan River has colored stones.
Miagao is partly coastal and partly mountainous town. In general, its terrain is rolling with mountain ranges serving as border between Miagao and part of the Province of Antique and other neighboring towns of Iloilo. The poblacion is situated in a hill overlooking the sea and public institutions are located in a plateau. The low and high mountains lying close to the river, plus the narrow coastal plains stretching 16 kilometers are varied topographical features of Miagao.
Miagao has two pronounced seasons: dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. The maximum temperature stands at 32.2° C and the minimum is 22.9° C. There are two prevailing winds in the locality, the southwest monsoon called “habagat” and the northeast monsoon called “amihan”.
The soil of the municipality consists of five major types: Alimodian clay loam, Sta. Rita clay, Umingan fine sandy loam, Alimodian soil undifferentiated and beach sand.
Natural Resources
Miagao is rich in natural resources. It has vast forest reserves at Tabiac and Tulahong forestry areas. It has metallic and non-metallic reserves as indicated by the grains of sand found on the beach lines. It has abundant source of ceramic clay used for potteries and mixtures of sand and lime structure called the Miagao Stone used as building material like the one used in building the Miagao Church. It is also blessed with natural scenic attractions like the Sinuhutan Cave, Danao Lake, Bugsukan Falls, Rice Terraces, etc.
The municipality has five slope classifications ranging from 0°-30° slopes above sea level. The area marked A has a slope of 0°-3°; B 3° -7°; C 8°-13°; D 30°. The highest slopes are found in the mountain ranges that run from north to west of the municipality and the lowest slopes on the shoreline.
Location & Accessibility
Miagao is one of the seven towns comprising the First District of Iloilo Province. Miagao lies between 10° 38’ 26.4 N latitude and 122°14’6.3” E longitude. It is situated 40 kilometers Southwest of Iloilo City and 58 kilometers from San Jose, the capital town of Antique and overlooking the island of Negros towards Sulu Sea or Panay Gulf. It is bounded by the towns of Igbaras to the Northeast, by Guimbal to the East, by San Joaquin to the West and by Sibalom, Antique to the Northwest.
Location & Accessibility

Comprised of 119 barangays of which 25 are classified as urban barangays and 97 as rural barangays
Physical Reource Profile
Land Area and Waters:
Total land area | 15,680.00 hectares |
Total urban land area | 2,055.16 hectares |
Total rural land area | 13,624.84 hectares |
16 kilometer stretch of coastline |
Five river tributaries: Tumagboc, Oyungan, Bacauan. Naulid, andNarat-an. They all flow to the Panay Gulf.
Population | 68,115 (Census 2020) |
67,565 (Census 2015) | |
72,547 (Barangay Survey 2020) | |
Urban Population | 22,636 (Census 2020) |
Rural Population | 45,139 (Census 2020) |
Annual Population Growth Rate | 1.23 |
Urban Population Density | 10.9 persons/hectare |
Rural Population Density | 3.31 persons/hectare |
Number of Households | 14,124 (PSA 2015) |
Household Population | 66,767 (PSA 2015) |
Total Number of Houses | 12,414 |
Average Family Size | 5 |
Population Per Barangay: PSA 2020
Barangay | Population |
1. Bacauan | 624 |
2. Bagumbayan | 988 |
3. Baybay Norte | 3,013 |
4. Baybay Sur | 969 |
5. Bolho | 387 |
6. BugtongLumangan | 350 |
7. Diday | 767 |
8. Guibongan | 1,089 |
9. Igpajo | 332 |
10. Igtuba | 1,345 |
11. KirayanTacas | 1,376 |
12. Lumangan | 792 |
13. Malagyan | 1,641 |
14. Mambatad | 982 |
15. Mat-y | 2,197 |
16. Palaca | 2,178 |
17. Paro-on | 130 |
18. Sag-on | 332 |
19. Sapa | 679 |
20. Tacas | 747 |
21. UbosIlawod | 800 |
22. UbosIlaya | 918 |
Sub-Total | 22,636 |
Barangay | Population |
1. Agdum | 400 |
2. Aguiauan | 481 |
3. Alimodias | 652 |
4. Awang | 139 |
5. Bacolod | 515 |
6. Banbanan | 419 |
7. Banga | 224 |
8. Bangladan | 366 |
9. Banuyao | 937 |
10. Baraclayan | 414 |
11. Bariri | 143 |
12. Belen | 199 |
13. Bolocaue | 194 |
14. Buenavista Norte | 413 |
15. Buenavista Sur | 293 |
16. Bugtong Naulid | 197 |
17. Cabalaunan | 258 |
18. Cabangcalan | 144 |
19. Cabunotan | 243 |
20. Cadoldolan | 113 |
21. Cagbang | 321 |
22. Caitib | 564 |
23. Calagtangan | 481 |
24. Calampitao | 826 |
25. Cavite | 203 |
26. Cawayanan | 285 |
27. Cubay | 830 |
28. Cubay Ubos | 158 |
29. Dalije | 1,627 |
30. Damilisan | 1,295 |
31. Dawog | 830 |
32. Dingle | 427 |
33. Durog | 1,072 |
34. Frantilla | 190 |
35. Fundacion | 316 |
36. Gines | 752 |
37. Igbita | 236 |
38. Igbugo | 523 |
39. Igcabidio | 322 |
40. Igcabitoon | 461 |
41. Igcatambor | 326 |
42. Igdalaquit | 182 |
43. Igdulaca | 708 |
44. Igpandan | 317 |
45. Igpuro-Bariri | 314 |
46. Igsoligue | 452 |
47. Igpuro | 538 |
48. Ilog-Ilog | 175 |
49. Indag-an | 623 |
50. Kirayan Norte | 1,834 |
51. Kirayan Sur | 1,475 |
52. Lacadon | 692 |
53. La Consolacion | 471 |
54. Lanutan | 549 |
55. Mabayan | 226 |
56. Maduyo | 163 |
57. Maninila | 1,139 |
58. Maricolcol | 359 |
59. Maringyan | 558 |
60. Matalngon | 136 |
61. Naclub | 577 |
62. Nam-o Norte | 307 |
63. Nam-o Sur | 211 |
64. Narat-an | 759 |
65. Narorogan | 239 |
66. Naulid | 820 |
67. Olango | 333 |
68. Ongyod | 208 |
69. Onop | 268 |
70. Oya-oy | 308 |
71. Oyungan | 1,495 |
72. Potrido | 363 |
73. Pudpud | 598 |
74. PungtodMonteclaro | 320 |
75. PungtodNaulid | 161 |
76. San Fernando | 464 |
77. San Jose | 439 |
78. San Rafael | 1,204 |
79. Saring | 422 |
80. Sibucao | 371 |
81. Taal | 191 |
82. Tabunacan | 504 |
83. Tambong | 188 |
84. Tan-agan | 569 |
85. Tatoy | 647 |
86. Ticdalan | 312 |
87. Tig-amaga | 228 |
88. Tig-apog-apog | 257 |
89. Tigbagacay | 230 |
90. Tiglawa | 165 |
91. Tigmalapad | 521 |
92. Tigmarabo | 505 |
93. Toog | 134 |
94. Tugura-ao | 304 |
95. Tumagboc | 442 |
96. Valencia | 475 |
97. Wayang | 240 |
Sub-Total | 45,479 |
Social Sector
Degree-Granting Institutions:
- University of the Philippines Visayas
- Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT-U) Miagao Campus
High School:
- Public (National High Schools) – 8
- Miagao National High School
- Palaca-Damilisan National High School
- Kirayan National High School
- Alejandro Firmeza Memorial National High School
- San Rafael National High School
- Bacolod National High School
- San Jose National High School
- Don Arsenio Napud Memorial National High School
- Private – 3
- Saint Louise de Marillac School of Miagao
- Kaunlaran Learning Center Foundation, Inc.
- Doane Christian Fellowship Academy
- Public (National High Schools) – 8
Grade School/Elementary:
- Private – 3
- Public (complete) – 31
- District of Miagao East – 15
- District of Miagao West – 16
- Private – 3
Pre- Elementary:
- Private – 5
- Public – 22
- Day Care Centers – 102
- Public Health Facilities and Services
Main Health Center
UPV Infirmary (with Dental Services and Medical Laboratory )
UPV Ambulance
24 Hours First Aid Clinic
Dental Clinic
DOTS Laboratory
Birthing Center
MDRRMO Rescue Vehicle
Municipal Ambulance-3
24/7 MDRRM Emergency Rescue Vehicle
Barangay Health Stations: 19
PhilHealth sponsored program under the National government
LGU Health Workers | Numbers |
Municipal Health Officer | 1 |
Rural Health Physician | 2 |
Dentist | 1 |
Nurses | 3 |
Rural Health Midwives | 12 |
Sanitation Inspectors | 2 |
Medical Technologist | 1 |
Dental Aide | 1 |
DOH Nurse Deployment Program | 12 |
DOH Vaccinators | 2 |
DOH Rural Health Midwife Placement Program | 4 |
Barangay Health Aide | 1 |
Barangay Health Workers | 278 |
Administrative staff | 3 |
Administrative Aide (Utility) | 1 |
2). Private Health Facilities and Services
No. of Private Clinics | 13 |
No. of Lying-in Clinics | 1 |
No. of Dental Clinics | 7 |
No. of Medical Laboratory | 4 |
No. of Pharmacies | 11 |
No. Eye Clinics | 3 |
No. of Diagnostic Centers | 2 |
* Some data on this article may need updating*