Mayor Engr. Oscar ‘Richard’ S. Garin, Jr., together with Rev. Fr. Cirilo C. Camus, Parish Priest, representatives from the Miagao Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs. Pureza M. Guzman, and Mr. Bernardo Montealto, Jr., SB Member, Hon. Cezar N. Florece, LIGA President, Hon. Marlou R. Niones, Mrs. Mary Diane N. Flordeliza, Mun. Tourism Officer discussed preparations for the Turnover Ceremony of the updated World Heritage Marker of Miagao Church on April 29, 2024.
Installation and unveiling of World Heritage Markers is a tripartite project between UNACOM, NCCA, and NHCP, in which the Local Government Unit of Miagao and the Miagao Parish are very involved.
A seminar-workshop on Stone Conservation and Cleanliness of Miagao Church was also discussed, which will be conducted by LGU-Miagao and NCCA.